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The following limitations apply to bidirectional replication tasks:

  • Bidirectional replication does not currently support conflict resolution. To prevent conflicts, organizations should ensure that the application that updates the endpoints participating in a bidirectional replication task, does not simultaneously update the same record in both endpoints.

    In other words, if a record in Endpoint A was updated, the equivalent record in Endpoint B should only be updated after the update from Endpoint A is replicated to Endpoint B.

  • Bidirectional replication tasks currently only support DDL statements from one of the sources involved in the task only. This means that for one of the sources, you must set the Apply Changes DDL Handling Policy to "Ignore" for all of the options (DROP, TRUNCATE, and ALTER).

    Information note

    The CREATE TABLE DDL is not supported.

  • To ensure that the source and target endpoints are identical, transformations and filters should not be used in bidirectional replication tasks.
  • The Use direct path full load option in the Oracle target endpoint settings is not supported.
  • The Stopping the Task after Full Load options in the task settings' Full Load Settings tab is not supported.
  • The task's Change Processing Mode must be set to Transactional apply.

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